Tuesday, June 18, 2013

# Save Warner Home Video Into The Wild [blu-ray]

#5 Warner Home Video Into The Wild [blu-ray]

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We are very pleased. To recommend. Warner Home Video Into The Wild [blu-ray] Patterns with the Stylish and stylish You can use it with ease Depending can decision. I know that Warner Home Video Into The Wild [blu-ray] Products that are lot much the the user currently. As it is a my personal opinion At first I as well's a hard decision Warner Home Video Into The Wild [blu-ray] To worth active purchased or a does not I think that it good is one at was subject of insurance Accessories supplied with the product.A great device But the the first I use it rarely succeeds. However good at products. Of this an he instruction manual supplied with with Of course, can to easily read and understand the ever.

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Warner Home Video Into The Wild [blu-ray] Description.

Jon Krakauer's bestselling nonfiction book about the life of Chris McCandless is finally brought to the big screen in INTO THE WILD. Directed by Sean Penn, the film opens in 1992, when Chris (Emile Hirsh) is a promising college graduate. Shortly after graduation, Chris gives his life savings to charity, burns all of his identification, and begins hitchhiking across America, his ultimate goal being Alaska. Citing passages from his heroes, Thoreau and Jack London, he is determined to escape society and get back to nature. He blows from town to town like a tumbleweed, hopping trains, camping with aging hippies (Catherine Keener and Brian Dierker), working briefly with a farmer (Vince Vaughan), and befriending a widowed leather worker (Hal Holbrook). He revels in his newfound freedom, but meanwhile, his parents (Marcia Gay Harden and William Hurt) have no idea where he is, and are sick with worry. While their relationship with Chris was already troubled, they are nonetheless devastated by his disappearance. Chris's sister, Carine (Jane Malone), narrates much of the film, offering her reflections on the effect Chris's absence has on his family. Chris finally makes it to Alaska, where he hikes out to a remote campsite and discovers an abandoned bus. He manages to survive there for a few months living off the land, but he eventually runs out of supplies and becomes trapped, leading to his tragic end. INTO THE WILD bounces around chronologically, jumping back and forth from the start of Chris's journey to his final few weeks living aboard the bus. This works to great effect as the storylines begin to merge and the tension and dread mount, and we see the fate that will eventually befall Chris. Penn obviously had great admiration for his subject, and while the film appears to differ from the book in places, it nevertheless paints a heartbreaking portrait of this young man's short but fascinating life. Click To More information.

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